OPTIM is a fictional hardware store developed for residents of monotonous and gray typical Dutch neighborhoods from the 1960s and 1970s. OPTIM positions itself between existing DIY stores and homeowners in order to provide the streets of these districts with more color and atmosphere. OPTIM wants to help the residents distinguish themselves from each other. OPTIM believes in the power of man. OPTIM believes that there is something beautiful hidden in all the ordinary things and that the insight of ‘the beauty of the ordinary’ can bring something to every person.

OPTIM Folder

OPTIM started a testcase in De Slagen a neighborhood in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. All inhabitants of this neighborhood recently received a magazine with the post. The magazine informs and inspires the resident about what they could do with there garden and façade. The folder makes the resident curious about OPTIM and at the same time works on the image of the possibilities of optimization

OPTIM Website

The folder refers the residents to the OPTIM website www.optim.nu. Through this site, residents can come into contact with the Optimistic Adviser, the link between the DIY store and the resident, gives advice and motivates the residents. This Advisory Optimist continues where the folder ends and ensures that the residents will actually optimize their environment.